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You can book an Uber snowcat ride to ski at Cardrona with a fancy degustation lunch for FREE
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You can book an Uber snowcat ride to ski at Cardrona with a fancy degustation lunch for FREE

Après-ski sounds like a bit of me!
20 August 2024 11:19AM

If you've been eyeing those Uber luxury boat rides available in Europe and feeling sick with jealousy, never fear - Uber NZ has sorted a Kiwi winter adventure version that's even better because it costs absolutely nothing. 

To celebrate their 10th birthday in NZ, Uber is offering Uber One customers the opportunity to book a full day of bougie alpine activities on the house, including a ride in a snowcat, a day of private skiing and a degustation lunch in a mountain hut. 

Of course, there’s a catch - there always is. There are only 80 spots available to book starting today, and it's first in, first served. 

You'll also get transfers from Queenstown to Soho Basin - soon to be part of the Cardrona Ski Field, espressos and pastries and apres ski goodness. 

You just have to search for 'Uber One Exclusive Ski Experience' in the UberEats app. Reservations open today at midday, with dates for the experience running over the next few weeks. 

Having had the good fortune to give it a whirl, I can tell you, this is something you don't want to miss. 

Now, as much as I love skiing, I’m no Richie McCaw on the slopes. The fresh, powdery off-piste tracks were stunning, but also a bit tricky. Let’s just say I got up close and personal with the snow a few times.

Thankfully, Uber teamed up with expert guides at Soho Basin, who were on hand to make sure we didn’t go completely sideways in the untouched backcountry. 

So, a heads up: If skiing’s your thing, bring your A-game. If not, sit back, enjoy the snowcat ride, and start dreaming about the incredible lunch that’s waiting for you.

And lunch. My god, that lunch. After my adventures in the powder, the high-altitude degustation was just what the doctor ordered. The menu, put together by the award-winning crew at Amisfield, was a mouth-watering showcase of local flavours. 


Every dish was a winner; fresh, hot seafood chowder, braised beef short ribs… and a cheesecake covered in freshly grated black truffle?! It was honestly ubelieveable. Dining up in the clouds felt incredibly special. 

What really blew me away was how the whole experience felt like it was tailor-made for us. If you do this, you’re going to feel like a VIP every minute of the day. 

So, if you’re one of the lucky 80 who get to experience this freebie, you’re in for an absolute treat. 

By Reagan White